Donut King / Next Thursday Australia

How the humble donut came to V

Donut King needed to launch their insane new product collab with energy drink “V” to their sugar- and caffeine-hyped millennial audience.
These films explore the ways in which this monstrosity - or as they call it, the “V Donut” - could have possibly been invented.

Many, many donuts and V cans were harmed in the making of these films

Did they laugh manically, stuffing a V can and a donut into a meat mincer, wet bits of donut flicking onto their faces? Did they smash them into oblivion with a carnival high striker? Smush them with a steamroller? Slam them together into a printer and let the printer god do its thing? The answer is all of the above…


Art Director: Todd Murray
Post Production House: 3P Brisbane
Sound Engineer: Rosco Audio

Daily Mail UK
4M+ combined impressions

We envisioned two mad food scientists at the helm.


Street Royals

